Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Taller than me-and the fathers

These are some of my favorite pics of J, my little cowboy. They were taken by R, July '06.

Well, both of my girls are officially taller than me. I measured A the other day and she was an inch taller than me. I am 5'3", A is 5'4", and R is 5'5". Kind of weird, huh? Both girls share clothes and shoes. I can share shoes with them but not clothes.

My in-laws live in Haiti. They've been missionaries in the Cap Haitian area for almost 24 years. One of the things that my FIL does is haul water to people who don't have access to clean water. He was doing that on Monday when the tailgate of his big truck fell on his foot. By the time he got home his foot was swelling rapidly and bruising. They put ice on it and kept it up but he was using crutches because it was too painful to walk on. He even took some ibuprofen and he never takes meds. When he got up the next morning, K asked him where his crutches were and he said his foot didn't hurt. She got up and looked at it and the swelling and bruising was gone and he could move it and walk on it with no pain. They are praising God for a miracle.

My dad starts the process of testing today to see if he can have a cochlear implant. He has worn a hearing aid in one ear for like 30 years and has had them in both ears for several years. I can't quite imagine what it would like to hear again after all that time. He reads lips very well and I don't know what it would be like to talk to him without looking him straight in the face and over enunciating every word. I hope he qualifies for this and pray that it works for him. I think it will change his life and my mother's too. She hasn't been able to whisper sweet nothings in his ear for a l-o-n-g time.

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