Thursday, September 13, 2007

More ramblings

I think I'll be doing a lot of posts entitled ramblings.~R just let her goat, Lillybet, in the front door. The last time she did that there were a few "lilly berrys" on the floor. has been up and down emotionally. I was at work and praying for good news on the adoption front. We haven't heard a thing. Another sigh...I was having a "bad fibro day" too. I get tired achy and feel like I'm coming down with something. Then I sleep and feel better in the morning.

There are so many things going on at church. Our pastor moved to S. Korea in April and the guy that was leading worship (or co-leading with me) quit going to our church. Now our church secretary, who is like a mom to us as we lived with her for 6 months while we were building this house, is moving to be near her daughter and grandchildren. Mrs. H if you're reading this please know that I would not deny you this for anything. I'm so happy for you. It's just that it's one more change. I would not deny our previous pastor and his family their opportunity either. I truly believe that these things were/are God's will. We have a wonderful interim pastor who is exactly what our church needed. By God's grace we will get through the changes.

I've really enjoyed doing this blog. It's a good "outlet" for me. Thanks to all of you who are reading it. The adoption process has really been an emotional roller coaster. We're still waiting (for over 3 months now) for the MOI signature that we need to get a passport for J. Sometimes my arms feel so empty. I hang out in the Psalms a lot and that helps. I'm so thankful for my Wed. evening ladies group. I know that they are there for me. I wonder if the "powers that be" in Haitian adoption have any idea whatsoever what they are constantly putting us through. I don't know how they possibly could and not do something to streamline the process. I wish they got paid by each file they got through rather than salary or however they get paid. That's my emotional low for today. I think I'm done, for now anyway. This was my favorite Psalm for a few weeks; Psalm 20 "May the LORD answer you when you are in trouble! May the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from his Temple and give you aid from Mount Zion. May he accept all your offerings and be pleased with all your sacrifices.May he give you what you desire and make all your plans succeed. Then we will shout for joy over your victory and celebrate your triumph by praising our God. May the LORD answer all your request. Now I know that the LORD gives victory to his chosen king; he answers him from his holy heaven and by his power gives him great victories. Some trust in their war chariots and others in their horses, but we trust in the power of the LORD our God. Such people will stumble and fall, but we will rise and stand firm. Give victory to the king, O LORD; answer us when we call."

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