A likes fashion design and looking fashionable. She will spend lots of time with me in Goodwill and consignment shops and is an excellent bargain hunter. She also cuts things up and "re-makes" them how she wants them to look. She is an easy going type person for the most part and gets okay grades. She is okay with okay grades. It does bother her if she gets a very low grade.
She is pretty in pink. When we painted her room it was supposed to be a light pink. It turned out much darker than we had intended. It looked like Pepto Bismol. We (T and I) made the decision to add white to it and lighten it thinking she wouldn't notice. When she saw it she said, "Boy, that second coat made it look a lot lighter." Of course we had to tell her the truth.
A has never been a "color in the lines" type person. I may have mentioned that already. When her Kindergarten teacher sent a note saying she needed to color in the lines better I pointed out that A was embellishing the pics to suit her personal taste. She colors our world, that's for sure.
When she was 3 it was quite apparent that she had some serious speech problems. She used all the vowel sounds but only about 5 or 6 consonant sounds. She also used the wrong pronouns and connecting words and she called things by what they did or what sound they made. She had a year and a half of speech therapy and was doing pretty good after that. I remember one day picking her up from speech class and her teacher told her to tell momma the word they had worked on. The teacher was so proud. A looked at me and said, "Dafbub!" They had worked on compound words and she had "bathtub" down until I got there. She has come up with quite a few things over the years. Some of my favorites are; Mark, Luke, and King Jr. Day(Martin Luther King Jr.); telling me about the tree she got at school for "Abor" day (arbor day); asking me if she could wear her "tacky" (khaki) pants; or "What's Mrs. Mullins last name?" or "Mom, I had a burp that rattled my head!" or when we were eating chicken and she said, "This tastes like chicken." She was serious. I could go on and on with these. She is our comic relief and we love her for it. She has a great sense of humor and can be absolutely hysterical. She takes the ribbing that comes with her funny sayings pretty well.
She works for my mother, helping to clean the house and doing gardening. Mom and A went shopping yesterday and I'm sure between the two of them they laughed the whole time. Here's a few pics of A. They were taken by R.
This is with my horse. A rides her quite a bit now.
This is with her cat, Misty. Yes, Misty is the one who attacks Sanome. She's usually so laid back. I can't figure out why she behaves that way. My parents gave A some money for her birthday one year and we teased that she would have it spent before the end of the day. Money burns holes in her pockets. Well, she ended up spending the whole wad that day adopting this cat from the Humane Society. She has a soft heart.
This is with her dog, Oreo. Oreo was named when we got her and how could we call her anything else?
Another one with Oreo.
Here's pic of R's dog, Trixy, who was also adopted from the Humane Society. T calls her Trixy, Licksy. As you can see, she has a huge tongue and knows how to use it.
And this is a pic of Sanome sleeping soundly on my diaper project fabric. Maybe she's dreaming of a world where Misty doesn't try to beat her up.
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