It is fall here. The acorns are falling off the trees. Sometimes they plunk so loudly on the metal roof of the carport that it sounds like the whole thing is coming down. We wondered if there would be many acorns because of the late frost and then the heat and drought this summer. I just started noticing them today so we'll see how many fall. They're pretty loud on the house roof too but it's shingled and insulated so the sound is more muffled.
When I was pregnant with A, it was a pretty tuff pregnancy. I ended up with a few gray hairs and I was only in my mid twenties at the time. I'm told that stress will turn your hair gray. I've had a few more over the years and just plucked them out. Since we started down the adoption road two years ago, I've gotten several gray hairs. Sigh...I've been plucking them out but if I keep going that direction I'll be bald. I can't keep up with the darn things any more. I tried one of those temporary home color kits this summer. A helped me with it. Apparently I'm not good at home color jobs and it was stressful. Plus it just turned the grays blond. Better than gray, but they still stood out. I finally decided to just let them be for now and color them when I'm forty. Look out grays, forty is coming up quick!
Bridget the horse has had a relapse. She was doing well for about 4-5 days but she seems to be abscessed in one or both front feet again. We'll have the farrier out soon to check on them. The hooves grow out and then splay so they have to be trimmed very regularly to keep her off the soft part. Or that's how I understand it. It's like they are growing really fast but the "bad" part is weak so it splays out. That's all for now.
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