Sunday, September 16, 2007


Ok, AFTER I wrote all the other stuff I let R read it and she wanted a pic of her horse put in here and after all my trouble with the pics the other night, this one can stay here. She also has a dog but that pic will just have to wait for another time and the goat was in a previous post. This is Bridget. She is a foal from my mare and was sick with diarrhea the first week she was in the world. Because of all the meds we had to give her she thought she was a lap horse. She has an awesome, friendly personality. This year she foundered, got thrush, had abscesses in 3 feet and is just now feeling better. She has not been ridden since some time in May, before she foundered. The vet and the farrier were not sure if she'd be ridable again but she is acting pretty good now. She trots around and doesn't look like she is in pain anymore, thank God.

This post is about R. I've managed to load some pics but have no idea how they'll turn out on the actual blog page. R is an awesome person. She sets her mind on something and goes for it. She loves the arts and I love singing on the praise team at church with her. The praise team currently consists of R, my mother and I so it's kind of a family affair. R writes books, (even one with a made-up language) poems, short stories, and songs. She's fun to be around and she gets straight A's in school. I can't believe she's a senior this year. It seems like she was just born. Enjoy your time with your kids because they grow up oh so fast. Here are some pics about her life right now.

This is her beloved cat with the "phantom of the opera" face. It's not the best pic but you can see her face with the line right down the middle. The cat's name is Sanome (sah-na-may) after a character in one of R's books that she has written. We think she is a very talented writer and other's tell us that too so it's not all biased. Both Sanomes were orphans so the name fits. We found Sanome under a feed pallet at a feed store and lured her out with a piece of food. She was so scared and so scrawny but you'd never know that now.

This is a pic of R's photography/art display and sale. The pic in the middle was painted so that you can't really tell if the horse is facing away or towards you. We've asked several people which way it's facing and the responses are about half and half.

Another one with her art display. My mom and A helped her set it up and decorate it.

A few of her senior pics. A good friend took these pics.

Isn't she something? We think so too. Love ya, Babe.

1 comment:

JBasham said...

Beautiful pics of R. Great art work too! Your blog is wonderful, both the pictures and the writing.