I'm getting ready to go through the summer clothes I bought for J thinking that he would be home by this summer. I never dreamed he would still not be home by now. I'm collecting winter clothes for him now. It's so sad. I just don't understand why this is good and why God doesn't step in and do something. The whole adoption process seems to be messed up in Haiti. They make it harder and harder.
Sometimes I try to figure it out or reason it in my head but it never makes sense. I try not to think it about it too much and just give it over to God. Notice I said "I try". It's not easy. So far I haven't regretted the decision to adopt from Haiti but I do wish the process would come to an end and he could be home with us. Every now and then a Bible verse will show up in my devotional book or Sunday school or our Wed. night ladies group that helps with the waiting. Wed. night this verse came up; Isaiah 46:9-10 "remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things not yet done, saying 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.'" (italics mine)
Well, I'm getting my tubs of visual aids ready for absitnence classes. They were just a mess in the office/music room floor for a couple weeks. They are still a mess but I've gotten a lot done.
We've been looking for a college for R. The local state U would be good because she would qualify for enough scholarships and grants to pretty much pay for it. And she could live at home and still be active with our family and at church, plus she could probably keep her current job. Then she'd be here to take care of all her critters too. She has a horse, dog, cat and a goat. But the school is so crowded and I sure don't want to stand in the way of what God has for her. She is also thinking about Sewanee. It's a beautiful school, smaller, only an hour and 1/2 away but it's known as a "party school" and it's fairly liberal and she can't take art as a minor. There is also a christian college that we're looking at too. It's about 2 - 2 1/2 hours away. It's a small school and I really like that it's a christian college. But it's like $20,000 a year and she would qualify for several scholarships and grants for it too. But, we're just not rich-not by American standards. Another thing that is hard is that she's an August baby and she would be barely 18 or not quite 18 when school started. We like the idea of having her home that first year of college. Decisions, decisions.
Well, I better get back to the tubs. They don't organize themselves.
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