Thursday, January 31, 2008

sinus rinse

I've had sinus issues for years. Remember when I had the liver function thingy and the doc looked at my throat and said I had "profound sinus drainage" and put me on antibiotics? Yeah, well, while I was taking the antibiotics for the mysterious "fat finger" issue, my sinuses cleared up amazingly well. I didn't realize how "profound" the drainage was or that there were headaches and stuff until they were gone. About a month after that it started coming back. I'm kind of tired of the whole antibiotic route and wanted to try something a little more natural. I got one of those sinus rinse kits and tried it out this morning. Okay, doesn't squeezing water up one side of your nose until it comes out the other side sound like some kind of torture to you? I mean really. I followed the directions the best I could with my head over the sink and saline solution dripping out the opposite nostril. A wanted to know if water would run out my ear if I turned my head. Nice girl, that one. Some of the water stayed with me until about half way through the day when I found that if I tilted my head to one side, something "profound" drained out. It happened when I tilted my head the other way too. And when I tipped my head back. That explains why it seemed like so much more water went in than came out the other side. The face/teeth pain is still there. I may try the torture, I mean sinus rinse, again this evening though. Maybe if I do it enough it will work. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Love it. Girl, you should have the same amount of fluid run out that ran in. Duh. And I thought i was the blond.
Love Mama Noel

Family by Love said...

Sounds like fun, not! Just be sure it doesn't rinse out anything that is supposed to stay in your head. Haha!

Amy said...

Oh, y'all are so helpful. FYI, I did go see the doc and have antibiotics again. He said the sinus rinse helps wash bacteria and junk away if I can stand doing it. I could deal with the drainage if my face/head didn't hurt. Oh, and he doesn't think the fingernail is a fungus. He thinks the nail bed was damaged by the fingernail excision. It might grow back, it might not. Hmmm.