Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mind overload

Wow, there is so much in my head I'm not sure I can get it all out right now. I think I need more time to process it all. You know how sometimes you have something "niggling" at you and then somebody says something and it just jumps out at you? That's how it's been this last week. I have to work Mon. and Thur. Those are my usual days. I'm teaching abstinence on Tuesday and plan to stay with Mrs. H on Wed as she is having surgery tomorrow. Those are the changes, subject to plan. So, I don't know when I'll have time to process and get it all out. I definitely think that this blog has been therapeutic for me though. Stay tuned.

It seems like the fat finger saga is continuing in a new vein. I think I have a fingernail fungus infection in it now and that is why the nail has pulled away from the nail bed. It was just a hangnail for crying out loud. I still don't understand how removing the side of the nail helped the swelling and pain, but it did. Now this. Sigh...

I was working today and T was working on fence to increase our pasture. The girls were at play practice so no one was here to talk to J. I haven't talked to him since before Christmas so I'm really missing him. I just wish he could come home.

Oh, quick story. R's boyfriend has cats too. It seems that one of them lit his tail on fire by getting to close to the gas heater. He was running around the house and they were trying to put his tail out before he set the house on fire. It didn't even faze the cat much and he went back over and rubbed against the heater again. Crazy cat! We had one once that used to sit over the old gas furnace we had in a rental house. His whiskers were always singed and curled on the ends. Okay, that's it for cat stories for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that made my day a little better... cats are mysterious animals. (;