Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm rambling again

I have the house to myself. T is at a meeting and the girls are at their play practice. I worked all day and brought a few groceries home. I set them on the kitchen floor and in the time it took me to use the bathroom Dexter (big black cat) ate a hole in the bread bag and ruined 3 pieces of bread (I threw away about 6-7 pieces just because of their proximity). He has a bread fetish. He has since we got him at 7 weeks old. I scolded him and he was not even fazed, even doing all his best little "chirpy, half purr half meow" sounds. Dumb cat. Or smart cat, probably.

I had a bad fibro day yesterday. I had a massage and sometimes I end up feeling sore afterwards and sometimes not. I just never know which it's going to be until a couple hours afterwards. was better though.

We are 28 months into the adoption process now. J has officially been our son for 7 1/2 months. We just need the signature from MOI to get the passport and then the visa and we can bring him home. It all seems so very wrong to have to wait so long and yet I have to believe that God is in control. It's so hard. I get scared sometimes thinking about why I need to have this much patience.

What's left of the nail on what was my "fat finger" is pulling away from the side a little bit. I'm not sure what's up with that.

Work was pretty good today. It was slow but I had a good time cutting up with a few of the dealers. I appreciate the relationships that come from my part time job. Living in a small town is usually pretty fun too. We have quite a few people that others might label eccentric. Makes it very interesting.

Our whole little church is getting pretty excited about our celebration Sunday and our special guest singer. I was telling a friend that I was a bit nervous about having to lead worship in front of our guest but she reminded me in a funny way that we are all human. Ha! Thanks D. Our practice went well last night though. I was able to share with my small group about Tricia and baby Gwyneth. Please keep them in your prayers. The link to their blog is in the previous post. Things are going as well as can be expected but the next 24 hours is critical for both of them. Please keep praying about this crazy adoption process too. I've been thinking the end was near for 6 months now. I never dreamed we'd be starting 2008 without J here.

That's my ramblings for now.

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