Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We had a few firsts today. J had his first happy meal. I don't think he was overly impressed though. The burger had mustard on it but that was quickly remedied by dad who took the burger and wiped off the mustard and then traded one of his bottom buns for the top one from J. Problem solved. He ate all of that plus the apples and wanted more. I guess he needs the big kids meals. They didn't even have those when my girls were younger.

It was also his first time to go to Wal-mart. He wanted everything but was fine with being told no. I told him he could get one thing but it couldn't be very expensive and he finally got his choices down to a tent/action figure set or a t-shirt that had binocs, watch, and compass. He went with the t-shirt and accessories.

In the food aisles he touched just about everything and looked at me to see if we could put it in the cart. He was very good and didn't go into any pouting or anything like that. He LOVES apples, grapes, meat, eggs and cheez-its. He wants to try everything but says he doesn't like a lot of things, even things that I know he's had before and liked them fine. I think he's just overwhelmed by the choices.

We also bought some school supplies and so far he is interested in going to school and asks when that is going to happen. We are going Friday so he can see the school and meet the ESL teacher who has been looking forward to his coming. His English is probably good enough not to need ESL services but he will definitely need reading and math help. He reads only a very small amount but he likes being read to so that's good. And he understands and remembers what is read to him.

He observes everything. I think he is a visual learner. If something is going on he is right there in it, taking it all in. He can usually replicate what he saw.

We have a friend coming over this afternoon who has kids in 4th and 5th grades so J should be in one or the other of their classes. I hope things go well and he can learn how to actually play with his toys. It seems like he likes the fact that he possesses toys but doesn't really know how to play with them. He definitely does NOT like to be alone.

That's all I can think of for now. We're taking things one day at a time. Question; has anyone else brought home older children with bedwetting issues? J is 11, almost 12 and wets a fair amount of the time. I told him I was buying him some special magic shorts to wear to bed that will keep his bed dry even if he wets. I'm not sure he's buying that though as he saw me pick them up in the diaper aisle. They should put those in the underwear aisle. Any suggestions?


Family by Love said...

Sounds like you had a busy day. It is so much fun to hear about J doing things with his family. Michael is still learning how to play with toys ans he still gets overwhelmed by too many choices. I'm still praying for you guys and would love to come meet you in person some day.

Danielsen5 said...

We just got home from camping and I was thrilled to read your blog. Glad to see everything is settling into place. Will keep you in our prayers and look forword to meeting the little guy.

Blessings, Beth

Family by Love said...

I was rereading your post and it struck me about J wanting more after his happy meal. Michael eats a McDouble, fries, the bun from Kevin's McDouble and still wants more.