Sunday, October 7, 2007

Church, Friday funnies, etc.

Well, I made it through church. I was honest up front and basically told them that I didn't want to be there but I was there out of obedience. I guess that's what "to obey is better than sacrifice" that I mentioned earlier meant. The songs we picked for today were interesting. See, we had picked them and practiced them before we knew about this problem with the process, being sent back to Parquet. One of the songs was "Trading My Sorrows" and another was "It Is Well With My Soul". Little did I know while we were choosing them that they would be speaking to me in such strong ways come Sunday morning.

Friday was so hard. Something did make me laugh that afternoon though. It was R's cat, Sanome. She loves to root in the clean, warm laundry and take a nap.

Oh, such a big yawn. Sleepy kitty.

Friday I washed our sheets. Before we got them back on the bed Sano had found them. They were moving a little and purring. I took a peek and found her peeking back at me.

She thought she was completely covered. Gotta love it.

I'm not liking the news we got on Thursday but I keep thinking about an old Keith Green song. I know I'm dating myself by just mentioning him but I heard a lot of Keith Green through my brother, who is OLDER than I am. Anyway, it's a real simple song that says, "Lord, I'm gonna love You, Lord, I'm gonna love You, Yes I'm gonna love You Lord, with all that's in my heart." And then it keeps going with Lord, I'm gonna trust You, Lord, I'm gonna thank You, praise You, follow You. You get the idea. It's a calming melody that just keeps repeating in my head. I may get a chance to talk to J today over the computer. I don't know what I'll say to him. Poor little guy. Of course, it's just life as usual for him but he did go visit his g'parents with us and has an idea of what he's missing. But I'm going to trust that God knows what He's doing.
Yesterday was my parent's 45th anniversary. Yay for them! I have to tell a little story on them. I was at work the other day and my mom called and said that they were shopping and that she rounded a corner and the slats or whatever that were holding the bin were sticking out further than the bin. Well, she tripped on the slats but was able to catch herself before she fell. Some young man that worked there made sure she was ok and asked if she wanted to see the manager. She told him she thought she'd be okay. We talked a little more and hung up. She called me back in less than five minutes, laughing. She was wearing her microphone thing that goes into dad's hearing aids. They were in different parts of the store but he could hear her going, oh, oo when she tripped and then all of her conversations. He even heard some of what I said when she called me on her cell. He couldn't even hear the guy telling him a price because all this was going on in his hearing aid. Too funny. So I said (loudly) mind your own business, dad. And then we laughed like it was a huge joke. Oh the things the deaf man can hear.
I'm going to go for now and see if we can get a hold of J.

1 comment:

danellejoy said...

Amy I can't believe we even have very similar cats!!!!!!!!!! Our calico looks alot like yours! She just had 3 little kittens that are so cute! I'm prayin for you. I love that Keith Green song!