Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The Puke and Heave Show came to our house today. Both girls were home with stomach bugs. They may or may not have gotten it from J, who informed me at about 8:50 Monday evening, after about 45 minutes of trying to get him asleep, that he had diarrhea all day at school. Sigh...hopefully tomorrow will be better and the rest of us will remain well.

I started a small list of the long list of things that J says that absolutely crack us up on a daily basis. I thought he was really getting the hang of the English language the other night when he called his daddy a "dweeb", at a time when T was being a dweeb. We laughed hysterically and then he used the word wrong over and over because it made us laugh the first time. Some of his mispronunciations are; the other day I was making pumpkin soup and when it was time to put the cabbage in he kept referring to it as garbage. He still hasn't figured out the difference between DVD's and tv. He asks us to pause the tv or to fast forward commercials. And the other day when we asked him to turn off the tv for dinner, he said, "Aw, they are going to give papilonni next." He meant that Pippi Longstocking was coming on next. He refers to anything that gets you wet (bath, ocean, swimming) as a shower. He told me he wanted to "shower in there" last week at the beach while pointing to the ocean. He called all covers on his bed "sheets" when he first came home. He now knows the difference between sheets and blankets but calls the blankets "banklets". He had the hiccups yesterday and I asked him if he had hiccups and he said yes. About 5 minutes later I hiccuped and he said, "You have 'hock its' too?" He cracks us up.


Chapter Two said...

Yikes...I hope all are well soon. We had a bug the last two weeks (prior to this) and I'm glad it's gone.
Love the vacation photos!

Family by Love said...

I hope you all get feeling better soon. Alisha calls her blanket a "blanklee" and she has been here her whole life. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing how things are going. Especially as we are struggling with our son's behavior.