Thursday, November 5, 2009

What the day will bring

The girls seem better. They both went to school this morning. R made it through her 2 classes but T had to go get A and bring her home. J seems okay even though he's had diarrhea off and on this week. He ate 3 pieces of chicken and two plates of rice if that tells you how he's feeling.

We had a ROUGH night with him again last night. He couldn't get settled down and never really got to sleep good. I think he was over tired and over stimulated. I spent an hour with him, then T spent about 40 minutes with him and we thought he was out for the night and were brushing our teeth when he came down again saying he was scared. I stayed with him for about 30 minutes and then we tried to go to sleep. He was up again bursting into our room before either one of us had fallen asleep. That's a rude awakening when you're just dozing off. T took that shift. Then we laid in bed until like 3 a.m. thinking every sound we heard was him coming back down. He got up this morning like nothing was wrong. Go figure. When asked about it he held eye contact and genuinely said he was sorry for keeping us up. We're working on ways to help him deal with his fear. Sigh...

We've had a few more dry nights this week. Hallelujah. After paying me a dollar for choosing to throw away a used but perfectly good, dry overnight pant he decided that there was nothing wrong with re-using them if he didn't wet them. Smart boy.

He lost another tooth yesterday so now both top "canines" are missing. He has figured out that he can make some really silly faces by sliding his bottom lip behind the four front teeth and into the holes that his missing teeth left. It's quite funny.

If the old tales of judging how cold and snowy the winter will be by how many and how big the acorns are, we're in for a rough winter. Our house is surrounded by trees and our yard is literally covered with huge acorns. I'll try to take a pic to show you. They hit the house and make pretty impressive noises. My parents live next door and one of the acorns hit my mom in the head one day and she thought it might have broken the skin. They are BIG and there is an ample supply. To that I say, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. We want a nice 6-8 inches at one time. That's a big deal where we live.

You just never know what the day will bring.


Nadia said...

have you given melatonin a try to help him relax to go to sleep?? we have a 6yo that NEVER STOPS! she'll lay in bed for hours singing and moving around..melatonin works like a charm!! it's non habit forming and totally safe! (I've even tried it and it's not an instant drowsy, it's just relaxation)

Amy said...

We have taken melatonin but have not given it to our kids. He sleeps fine for the most part, he was just over tired, over stimulated and dealing with irrational fear. Thanks for the idea though. We'll keep it in mind for THOSE nights.