Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I was playing wii with J this evening. We were bowling and every time one of us got a spare he would say, "Nice swear." It took several tries to correct him saying, "No honey, they are saying, 'Nice spare'". I was watching him play wii baseball and he kept saying, "Let's give it some hustle," and "This is so not happening." I don't know where he heard that last one but I thought it was hysterical.

The girls just informed me that those things came from High School Musical so now they're not quite as funny as they were before. That kid loves High School Musical.

A also told me that he was looking at her jeans that have a big hole in them (they came that way) and he asked her, "Did you rape your jeans?" She was like, uh, I have a rip in my jeans. Talk about lost in translation.

Another one that he always pronounces different is he doesn't say toilet like we do. He always pronounces it "twa-let". I love that one. And of course, he still calls all meat chicken.


Chapter Two said...

Funny nuances in lost translations! I kind of miss those things now that we're further from those early days in a new language.

Regulars now come out more as grammatical issues. Like, "those are mines." When you're taught "s on the end" makes a word plural, the exceptions make it so hard.

Anyway, cute posts!

Amy said...

J really struggles with "s" on the end of words and with "ed". And he still uses he, she, him and her interchangeably. The same subject is often male and female in the same sentence. Even though J had more English than your kids did I have enjoyed the process of watching him acquire the language. He is very comfortable using English even if he doesn't know the right word. He does what A always did and just makes a word up. Makes for some funny times.

Family by Love said...

Thanks for sharing Amy!