Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cruddy mood

I'm in a cruddy mood. Friday came and went. Another week came and went and no news. It breaks my heart. Please pray for me. It feels like J will never come home.

I had fun with my daughter today. At least as fun as grocery shopping and then letting her blow some birthday money can be. If A is in a decent mood, most things with her are fun.

Last night was fun too. We went to a dance. We're not really dancers but we wouldn't mind learning. My parents are pretty good dancers. I got to dance with my dad and that was fun. He wasn't feeling the best so we weren't sure he would go, but he did. T and I dancing together looks pretty funny but with my dad, he's good enough that I don't look so bad. Things that happened at our table were pretty funny too. One guy was leaning forward to sit down and his tie slipped over the back of someone's chair. Just at that time the person leaned back catching the guys tie. The comedic timing was perfect. We happened to know both people so we found it particularly funny. Then T took a sip of coffee and choked on it, blowing it all over this other couple. He was mortified that he'd done that. Thankfully, they took it in stride.

I better do a thankful list. It always makes me feel better. Let's see, I'm thankful for the fun and laughter of last night. I'm thankful that payday was this week. I'm thankful for our house and the people and things in it. I'm thankful for a God who loves me and is faithful even when I'm not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry and I am still praying for you.

Christ's Peace,
