Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Couple more pics

Every once in a while we get out a yardstick and "sweep" under the furniture and appliances for cat toys and little lost items. I watched Dexter chase a toy under the dryer and decided to do this. The cats get very excited about this and try to help with the process. They mostly get in the way or shove things back under just when we get them out. I found lots of cat food as Sanome scoops it out of the dish and chases it before she eats it. I also found several pens/pencils and LOTS of dead dust bunnies and a bunch of assorted cat toys. They are all playing happily now.

It's still spitting snow but the sun is trying to come out. I took a few more pics that I wanted to share;

This is our creek that runs when it rains a lot. We had a lot of rain yesterday.
This is the other side of it before it goes under the driveway. A used to float Barbies through the culvert but when one got stuck she decided to tie strings onto them. Anyway, I wish you could hear the water trickling over the rocks. It's so pretty.
And here is the house.

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