Friday, May 20, 2011


Another hand pic. I think it's doing really well. I had therapy again today and I've really worked at stretching it. It's not as swollen on the back of my wrist but it's still quite swollen on the inside. The therapist was duly impressed with how far I could bend it. The jury is still out on whether or not there is a stich still in it. It's about half and half with No and maybe.

Love this pic. T hates it but it's so cute. Diesel was just hanging there by himself because he wanted to chew on T's zipper pull.

T's aunt and uncle were here last night so we gave them our bed and we slept in A's room and she went upstairs. We had Diesel in A's room with us. He was very busy and played with everything all night long (that's a song, isn't it?). When the alarm finally went off this morning I opened my eyes and Diesel was swinging from the curtains. Literally.

I spent the day with A today. She is exempt from her finals so she is basically done with school. She went to therapy with me and then we shopped. She was talking about someone being curvy and described her as "volumptuous". I said, I think you mean voluptuous. Volumptuous-voluptuous. So close. So close that she wants me to take a poll and see how many people think volumptuous is a word. So, what do you think? Is "volumptuous" a word?

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