Sunday, April 10, 2011


~~~I feel so bad for Dexter. He's doing ok but still not himself. His conjunctivitis is worse again too. It makes us all squint when we look at him. I hate giving him meds. He fights me a bit, which is good. I'm just tired of doing it. It makes me feel bad because he hates it.

~~~A started her job this weekend. I guess it's going pretty good. This morning she said, "Welcome to (insert local fast food restaurant). May I take your order?" The problem is, she named the wrong fast food place. Hahahaha!! A's friend E also got a job at the same place. It will never be the same.

~~~I'm excited and a little bit nervous about the wrist surgery. I've waited for 2 months to get it scheduled, going through this test and that test and a steroid injection. I'm so ready to get this done and move on but hey, any time they put you to sleep and cut on your body it's going to make you a bit nervous. It seems like a lot of the symptoms are actually related to the tendon issue over the ganglion cyst issue. Can it really be cured with a little snip? I'm praying it's so.

~~~I lead worship this morning. I enjoy doing it but it's a little nerve-wracking too.

~~~Last week was a weird week. This week promises to be weird too. Hmmm.

~~~Can anyone tell me why blogger refuses to publish my posts without my paragraph breaks?? It's very frustrating. Double hmmm.

Ahhh! Look! I figured it out. Something about updated settings. Now if I only knew what I did. Hmm....

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