Thursday, December 2, 2010


Clarification for the last post. We have not killed each other or either one of our children still living in our home. We are not ready to divorce or disown anyone. We love each other dearly and we love our children dearly. It was just a vent. Plus, I think people go into adoption sometimes thinking it's all going to be hunky dory and it's just not. Even if you read all the books and have a game plan before the kid comes home, it's just not enough to prepare you. Nothing can prepare you for reality. That's why I didn't do any lamaze classes when I was pregnant. I didn't think I'd remember anything anyway. I did read adoption parenting books and it's kind of funny how J doesn't fall into a lot of the behaviors of an older adopted child. We were blessed. Yes, he has his issues, but don't we all? They were just my thoughts for the day. And I truly believe that God doesn't waste any experiences if we yield them to Him.

Last night T was in Nashville for a conference and A was at youth group so it was just J and I. I asked him if he wanted salad or carrot sticks with his pizza and he said, "When I grow up and live in my own house (notice how he put 'in my own house' in there? smart kid) I am not going to eat vegetables. I am going to eat only junk food and get fat, fat, fat. (long pause) No, I am going to eat vegetables because I want to fit 'trew' my door." He's so funny! I love how he thought that through.

A seems to be over her mono. J seems to be mostly over his cold. T and I are not over whatever we have but we've been taking zinc and it really seems to be helping.

I had a massage and chiro adjustment on Tuesday and they suggested that I try a supplement of malic acid and magnesium. I recently tried Cymbalta for my fibro and I hated that. It did really weird things to me so I was willing to try this supplement. OMG, they said I'd know in a week if it was helping but I think it's helping already. I'm impressed with it. I did some research on it and in clinical trials it really seems to help people with fibro. It may be part of my life forever. We shall see.

This week has been bizarre for us in regards to both children's schoolwork and in regards to vehicles. There's an interesting story here but I'm tired so I'll share more at a later date.

T is using a lot of bandwidth tonight so I'll try to post some more pics soon.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm catching up, your blog first :) It's been forever since I sat down and read through blogs. We're on a "power shortage hour" and my laptop is on a full charge, and the kids are sequestered into the family room with a Little Pet Shop Village and 2 lamps.

I think we're living nearly parallel lives here; or our thoughts are, for certain.

I'm interested in learning more about schoolwork. We're just getting into all of that here (have it easy with kindy ;)

Reading on!