Friday, December 10, 2010

Frustrated...but choosing to be thankful

We've had a frustrating couple of weeks. The kids and schoolwork. The cat tipping the tree over and no one noticed that the floor under the tree was soaking wet. I found it today nearly a week later. It blistered the finish on the wood floor in 3 places. No one redecorated the tree or even fixed the tree skirt. And I can't make the little train go around the tree without de-railing. And I haven't found the lost decorations, some which my children made and some that my mom made 40 years ago.

In looking for one med issue with me another little thing was discovered and is being treated. Then they called saying there was an abnormal finding on my mammogram. Sigh...get to repeat that and hopefully not have a biopsy.

Lots of car and appliance issues. I know a lot of people dealing with the same kinds of things. It's weird, really. So many people with vehicle and appliance issues.

And of course the financial strain that goes with those issues, and this time of year, and having a senior in high school. Very stressing.

The craziness going on in Haiti. A whole year of it for them.

But I'm going to choose to be thankful. So here's a thankful list. I'm thankful for a Savior who came to earth as a baby and that we celebrate that at this time of year. I am thankful for a friend thinking of me with a ticket to a concert tonight. I'm thankful for ATP Energy capsules with magnesium and malic acid. They are helping so much. Anyone with fibro should try them. I'm thankful for old Christmas records which bring back good memories. I'm thankful for the love of family (even when I want to wring their necks-kidding-sort of) and friends. And dark chocolate (have I mentioned that before?)

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