Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today was a snow day too. J needs to go back to school. He needs the routine and something to do. He would never admit it but even he is getting tired of watching tv. He has had an attitude this afternoon and didn't want to go to basketball practice and was complaining about school and wishing he didn't have to go, blah, blah, blah. He ended up doing really well right at the end of the basketball scrimmage, went with us to a Bible study at my brother's house, got his attitude straightened out and resigned himself to the fact that there will probably be school tomorrow. Thank you, Jesus.

R is getting settled in her hotel, JT is with her at night (thank God), dad is home, and the cat has settled into her temporary home. Still praying for the apt. to open up earlier than they expected. Praying for protection and peace for both of them.

Little J funny. My SIL had a few "goodies" for us at the study. She had some low fat, low sugar muffins and scones. They were really good. J and I liked the scone really well and she sent us home with a little piece. When we were leaving I reminded J to thank her for the scone and he said, "Tank you for de 'spone.'" That was pretty close. When we got home, J decided to give it to A since she didn't have any. I told him to tell her what it was and he said, "It's a wock." A and I looked at each other and I finally figured out that "scone" became "spone" became "stone" which in his head became "rock". Go figure.

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