Friday, March 11, 2011


I saw a shadow! It's been so long since the sun's been out here that I couldn't figure out what it was when I saw it.

The other day when J got in the car he saw my Lindor truffles and said, "Oooh. Meatballs!" He is always thinking about meat. I told him to leave my chocolate alone if he'd rather have meatballs.

A got a little freaked about money the other day. She's 18, a senior in high school, drives her parent's car and uses a cell phone that her parents pay for and she's worried about money? We helped her make a game plan for applying for jobs and helped her put together a resume. She had a job interview yesterday afternoon. She felt good about it. We shall see.

Praying for the people of Japan and those in the path of the tsunami.

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