Saturday, August 14, 2010

Super Hero Party in pix

It was like 100 degrees when people started arriving. T's green paint started melting right off of him. Here is Spiderman, Mr. Incredible, and the Hulk, who J keeps refering to as "ulk".
I'm not sure why but I love this pic. It's the perspective, I think. Thwap!

It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superman! And Lois Lane.

Pow! Superman, Xena and Mr. Incredible.

Holy Poison Ivy, Batman! What's Xena doing here?

Kablam! It's She-ra and cHEap Man.

Here's what J calls a "Transmission". Keep in mind that the transmission went out on the car last week. The rest of us call it a Transformer. Zowie!

Zonk! Two super heroes showing their muscles.

Bam! Did you know The Hulk married Wonder Woman?

I'm not sure what's going on here. I don't know if they're working together or against each other. Or maybe they have gas. Kablam!

Holy villains! Does Batman know that the Joker and Cat Woman are here? And Xena showed up in this pic too. And a Transformer. What's up with that?

Ohhh, the Transformer transformed. Pop!

Since Super Heroes have to change quickly we played a quick-change relay game. We laughed 'til it hurt. Zowie!


Bam! Here are the costume winners. We all voted for our favorite male and female. Mr. Incredible was already back into his alter ego clothes.

And speaking of alter ego, The Joker turned into a Steve Urkel type nerd. Holy nerds, Batman!

The end!

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