Sunday, May 2, 2010

TN floods

We are fine here. Lots of rain has fallen and we've seen some bizarre things. Dad was caught yesterday evening on I24. It took them 5 hours to go about 10 miles. My dad and a friend drove up to IN to pick up a vehicle that will end up at a mission in Haiti and on the way home they were caught in the flood area in Nashville. They and the vehicles are fine. At one point our friend saw a police boat going the wrong way on the interstate. We also watched on the news as a school portable floated down the interstate bumping into abandoned cars and then sinking and coming apart. That was very bizarre to watch. It's not every day you see police boats and mobile homes floating down the interstate. Many school systems are closed, metro Nashville has lots of business closings and the rain is still pouring down.

We have a "sink hole" on our property. It's basically an open cave. Our sink hole is full of water right now and looks like a pond. We went for a walk in the rain yesterday evening and there was something that sort of resembled a piece of bread and J said, "Look (which comes out sounding like "Luke") a sandwich is floating!" We assured him that it was not a sandwich. There were some strange things floating in there and a few minutes later we were talking about the lochness monster. J said he didn't see the monster and A quipped, "That's because it's head is disguised as a floating sandwich." Maybe you had to be there but we cracked up.

I'll keep you updated on any more strange water related sightings.

1 comment:

Kelly Bartlett said...

Stay safe! AND stay far away from those sink holes! Hope things start to dry up soon. We've been watching the action on the weather channel.