Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recent comments

Recent comment from A; see this mark on my leg? That's where I got tanned through the hole in my jeans.

Another recent comment from A; Mom, I'm exempt from all my finals. That means you are looking at a senior.

And a couple minutes after that and said with a dramatic flair; Mom, in 7 and a half months I will be a legal 18 year old adult.

My comment that quickly followed hers; who will still be in high school and living under our roof and our authority.

Recent comment from J while in the pool; I am catching you up!! (meaning I am catching up to you-and catching is pronounced "cotching")

More comments from J in the pool; I am swimming!!! (this after he moved about 2 feet under water) I can swim!!! (this after moving about 3 feet) I drink too much water when I swim.

I find it very interesting that J couldn't paddle with his arms and kick his feet at the same time. I remember reading somewhere that children who have had sensory deprivation cannot work with both arms and legs at the same time. One of the tests for this was to have the child lay on the floor and ask them to move from one point to the other without getting up. Children with sensory deprivation will either push with their feet or pull with their arms but will not use both. I'm happy to report that J is using arms and legs now that we've worked on it a bit. It's not pretty to look at but he's swimming.

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