Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our own rainbow

Yesterday evening while I was making supper I looked out and discovered that it was raining while the sun was out. I was trying to figure out where the rainbow would be and T was saying you have to get further back or you're not going to see anything. Ha! Right out our bedroom window in our backyard was a rainbow. Our own private rainbow. How cool is that?!

We never did find the pot of gold though.

This is going to be a crazy busy weekend. R is on her way here. JT is on his way to CO. My nephew gets married on Sat. and lots of friends and relatives are visiting. Woo hoo.

J had a meltdown yesterday. We've been trying to work on not wetting the bed at night. We gave him something to work towards, to earn with dry nights. He was dry the first two but not the third and he tried to cover it up and lied to me. Sigh...the fallout wasn't pretty but we worked through it. Maybe that was his meltdown and now we're good for a while, when we're so busy and there are so many people to see and things to do. Hopefully we'll make it without a meltdown. "See" you on the flip side.

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