Saturday, April 24, 2010

Because I'm the mom

J will probably be mad some day when he can read and figures out that I posted this, but he can't read yet so here's the story.

I heard through a round about way on Thursday afternoon that J had gotten into some trouble at school on Wed. He was told that he needed to improve his behavior and there was a good report on Thursday.

On Friday morning on the way to school I asked J if he'd been good this week at school. He said, "Hmm, I was good yesterday." I asked him what about the rest of the week, what if I called the teachers, what would they say? He asked who I was going to call. I named his teachers and he said he was mad at another kid in the class. I told him I wasn't talking about that child I was talking about him. He hee-hawed around for a while because he didn't want to incriminate himself but he didn't want to lie either. I finally said I wanted him to be good and I wanted to hear good reports.

We talked about some other things and then as he was getting out of the car I reminded him that I wanted to hear a good report today. He said, "How did you know?" and since he had never admitted that he'd behaved badly I asked, "Know what?" He stumbled for an answer to still keep himself from admitting that he'd done anything wrong and came up with, "Umm, uhh, dat I need to get a good report." I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Because I'm the mom." His eyes got huge and he just stared at me for a few seconds before he waved good-bye and turned and walked into the school. Bwahaahaaa.

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