Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heading home

I've been in PAP since Thursday, staying at the O. J had a meltdown yesterday when he figured out that I was leaving today. I'm at the Livesays right now and it's so nice to be here. I'm so grateful to them. J kept saying yesterday, "Please mom. Please, please, please take me home with you. I don't want to stay here without you. Please, please, please." God and I had a little talk and I had to repent later. Sigh...Church was good this morning. The Lord Jesus is alive and well in PAP Fellowship and people are worshiping. I needed that. There is too much in my head and heart to process right now. I'm sure bits and pieces will come out over the next few weeks. Please pray for the adoption process to move forward. I wish the "powers that be" that need to sign and process a passport and visa for us had even an inkling of the anguish of the waiting parents. I have more pics and stuff to post when I get home. We flew right by the Citadel on our way here. Literally, right by it. I was getting ready to zoom in but I wouldn't have been able to get it all in one pic if I had. I'm supposed to fly out in the morning. Lord willing and the creek don't rise. I'm ready to be home. I was not ready to tell J good-bye again but I am ready to be home.

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