Thursday, September 25, 2008

Biology and idols

We sure had interesting conversations for the first hour we were all home together this evening. Weird stuff. Birth control and how it works, why boogers are sticky (this from the college biology student-both girls have biology classes right now) and multiple other things that were not really dinner conversation. I digress.

Still no adoption news. J's birthday is next week. This is his 4th birthday since we've "known" him and it hurts so much to be apart from him again. Sigh...

Our ladies group at church has been doing a study by Lysa TerKeurst and she writes at one point that anything we desire more than God is an idol. I had to take a close look at my desire for J to come home and make certain that I was not allowing it to be an idol. Then today our previous pastor sent us some verses from Isaiah 43 to encourage us. One of them was "Whenever you have thrown away your idols, I have shown you my power." How cool is that?

1 comment:

Chapter Two said...

Amy, I'm aching for you. I know what it's like to miss those birthdays and it breaks my heart to read that you're coming up on another for J. Are they not getting any info to you? What was the latest?
Know I'm still praying!