Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vacating (girls' night out)

A couple friends and I are getting ready to take this cutie patootie...

...on an airplane to CO and deliver her to these two cutie patooties.

I've never flown with a pet before so this will be a new experience for all of us. She is supposed to be able to fit under the seat in front of me as my carry-on. Us ladies are pumped about our trip even though the weather isn't looking so promising in CO. We will have a blast anyway. Two of us from the original 3 ( http://thisthatandlifesjoys.blogspot.com/2011/03/co-pix.html ) are going as G couldn't make this trip. We are adding another crazy lady friend to the mix. Maybe all 4 of us will make the trip at some point. I hope we laugh as much as we did last trip and bonds of friendship will become even deeper.

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