Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CO part 2

JT was driving us home one evening and K said, "Look at that deer." It was a mule deer but K had called them "moose deer" at some point and it just stuck. JT, being the crazy driver he is, slammed on the brakes and backed up so we could see the moose deer.

"Medicinal marijuana" is legal in CO. To bad they were closed.

They had everything in there. Seeds, hemp bars, hemp shakes, dog treats and Dope on a Rope.

Then JT took Skylar home and us ladies bummed around Garden of the Gods. It's called that because the native americans used to gather there and pray.

Us 3 holding up "the rock."

Rugged beauty.

This is part of the Kissing Camels formation.

I had no idea when I took this pic that it would be one of my favorites. I don't know exactly why but I'm loving it.

The rock formations seem to be on their sides and diagonal.

See that car parked at the bottom of this formation? That shows how big the rock formation is.

Love the contrast in colors here.

And here.

This was our last shot of Pike's Peak from the airport.

And now we're back in TN. It was so nice to get away and CO is beautiful but TN is pretty too. Reality kind of stinks sometimes. A's car is broken down and life is not all roses but, there's no place like home.

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