Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

I mentioned J's first boy/girl party. He carefully invited exactly 10 kids from his class, 5 girls and 5 boys. I never got a phone call from anyone saying they would or would not be coming. J reported to me that most of them said they had things to do but one guy said he was coming and one girl said she might. He shopped for his party, even spending some of his own money on goodies to share.

The day of the party the leftovers of tropical storm Lee moved in to our area bringing some much needed rain, but the timing was not so great. The one boy arrived and it was decided that he would sleep over since no one else came anyway. J seemed fine with the way things turned out.

They worked on the "stump house" (J informed us a few days ago that he was building a tree house but it was on a stump so it's really a stump house-his words) and went swimming in the rain. Then they ate their fill of hot dogs, chips and junk. Then we watched tv and they started a movie in J's room. At about 10 o'clock the other boy said he had a stomach ache (too much junk?) and wanted to go home. When he left things spiraled down for J.

He wanted to sleep with us. He hasn't asked for that in nearly two years, giving it up not long after he came home. We declined and he raged and tantrumed for about 20-30 minutes. Thankfully A was housesitting so she got to sleep. We sympathized with him about his party not going the way he planned. We reminded him that we were going to be sleeping together at Bampa's camper this weekend. We assured him that we were here and not going anywhere. We reminded him that this was not age appropriate behavior. Nothing helped. It was his party and he cried 'cause he wanted to. T finally told him that he needed to get quiet, get control and get to sleep. If he chose not to he would be choosing to go to bed early the next evening. He hates going to bed early and is very proud of his new school bed time so he immediately got control and got quiet and went to sleep.

We feel awful for him about his party. It shows how much he stuffs down to go about his business each day and how fragile he still is about abandonment issues. It shows how after 2 years home and nearly 14 years old he is still not equipped to handle frustrations well. He has come so far, he just had so far to go.

In other news, Lee has dropped over 6 inches of rain on us but not before a bunch of trees turned brown. We could have used the rain a couple weeks ago but we are thankful for what we've gotten.

Diesel is driving me crazy in the rain because he LOVES outside and wants to go out but as soon as he goes out he wants back in. Then he runs around the house like a crazy critter and knocks down anything in his path. He's been very needy in affection lately and very wild in his play time with T. They rough house together each night before we go to bed and he's been a wild man, flying through the air and leaping off things towards T. He has further ruined some curtains too. I will wait til he's about 2 and then replace them.

I got some kenelog shots in my scar tissue on my wrist today. The doc feels like the scar tissue from the cyst is too thick and that the tendons are still kind of sticking and this should help soften everything up. The lidocaine was wonderful while it lasted but it's quite sore and swollen right now. Praying that this clears it up and gets me back to normal. I still haven't been able to wear my wedding ring. I miss it.

A is doing ok at college. She still needs to get some books. She's been working a lot too so we are hoping she doesn't over do things and get mono again.

I will leave you with a "J'ism". We've been watching the Cosby show on Netflix and J loves it. Last night he informed us that, "I am just like 'Feo' (Theo) except I have white people."

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