Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More pix

It rained just a little bit last night. We are glad but we need so much more. The sky was gorgeous this morning and the air had a much cleaner, fresher smell to it.

My camera wouldn't take a pic last night. I finally discovered that it would take one if the flash was turned off. I changed the batteries but it didn't help. Maybe they just weren't charged enough because I changed them again this morning and it started working again. Whatever.

I wanted to take a pic of Dexter last night because he was laying on J's baseball glove. What is it with those cats where they just have to lay on something?

Someone drove into McDonalds last night. Like, they literally ran into the building. Takes "drive through" to a whole new level.

I am "puttering" around the house today and I love it. I do have practice this evening, A has soccer practice and J has a game but for now I am puttering.

Pix! This is the balloon face that J made on the front door for his birthday party.
Is it my imagination or is he looking older? He is about 1/8 inch shy of 5 feet tall.

He put the basketball player and basketball on his cake. It's kind of funny because he's playing baseball right now. We played games, visited and had cake and ice cream.

This is Misty, the no-legged cat. At least it looks like that. Don't you wish you could sleep like a cat?

This guy turned 13 yesterday. J was quite concerned that we didn't get him anything for his birthday. A friend of mine says I know way too much about my animals if I know their birthdates. Actually, Dexter's is the only one I know.

Trixy, otherwise known as "Trixy Licksy" or "Trixy Dipsy Ding Dong".


Oreo. Also known as "Yo-yo".

1 comment:

danellejoy said...

yes! He is looking older! WoW! Happy Birthday to J!!!