I hate fibro, yes I do. I hate fibro, how 'bout you? I was going through my favorites list on my computer and came across this site. http://members.tripod.com/~ms_stix/fibro.htm Wow! What great info! Have you ever wondered what it's like to live with fibro? Read this. Do you have it and want to be armed with good info? Read this.
I'm continuing to do pretty well. If I was on a deserted island and could only take one thing with me I would want my malic acid/magnesium supplement. It literally changed my life. I understand that it may not work for everyone but if you or someone you know has fibromyalgia, try it! I'm currently getting mine at a health food store.
I still struggle with occasional "fibro flu" where it feels like I'm coming down with something. Sore throat, aches and low-grade fever. I also have some sleep disturbances and difficulty finding the right word. My shoulder muscles are always hard as rocks and burn a lot. The outside of my upper arms and upper legs feel like they are bruised if they are barely touched.
But overall things are so much better since doxycycline and with using the malic acid/magnesium supplement. Look under "labels" and click on "fibromyalgia" to read about using those. Any posts where I wrote about fibro should come up. I need to exercise more but the wrist and foot continue to be problematic. That and time and probably laziness if I'm being honest. I need to get back on the exercise bike and work on building up my walking time again.
I hope whoever needed to see this post, sees it. I just was floored when I came across that site and read it again. I don't even remember reading it the first time. Ha! Fibro fog! Nearly every symptom I experience can be traced back to fibro. Heck, before I even had kids I had fatigue and sore throats and my bloodwork would look like my body was fighting a virus. That was 22+ years ago! Crazy. I read this info and say, that's me, that's me. So many of those things are true for me.
And now, I must go stretch and then write a paper for school.
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