Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I recently read how Patrick was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland. He escaped a year later and fled to France where he became a Christian and then returned to Ireland to preach the Gospel. That was in 432 A.D. We tried to explain to J that he should wear green today to keep from being pinched. He said he would pinch them back if anyone pinched him. Of course he wanted to know why he had to wear green. He finally figured out that it was a holiday of sorts and wanted to know if we were going to celebrate tonight "wif beau-te-ful food?". Anything that might become a party is good in his book. We found some green on his shoes and he chanced it with that. We told him to point it out to people that he had green on. It will be interesting to hear his take on things when he gets home.

Things were a little confusing at the court house on Monday morning. I brought the camera but wasn't allowed to take my purse into the court room. So, instead of a pic with the judge we got a pic with the law student who helped us out. Thanks N N!

Dexter likes to go out at night. If we don't put him out before bed he usually wakes us up in the middle of the night to let him out. Then, he's almost always at the door wanting to come in for his canned food first thing in the morning. He wasn't at the door this morning. It scared me a bit because he's getting old. He's not sick or anything, just getting older. I called and called and he finally came in. I guess he's not used to the time change yet. I'm just grateful the "old man cat" came in and was fine. He loves to get into my lap when I sit in the recliner. Loves it. Here is a pic where he jumped up on the side of the chair and didn't quite get into my lap before he fell asleep. His hind quarters are on the arm of the chair and his front paws are stretched out. I love it when he stretches his paws out like that.

When R first took Sanna with her, Dexter spent a lot of time "calling" for her. Now he's used to her being gone and Dexter and Misty are best buds. Aren't they cute?

A drew a pic for her French class. She had to depict certain words so she drew a castle with knights, a king and queen, a princess, cooks, wizards and dragons. I remember R doing something like this. They never cease to amaze us. Not the best pics of her pic but I wanted to try. It turned out really well.

Have you read any good books lately? I read "Home Another Way" which was okay and "Though Waters Roar" which was pretty good. I'm reading "Extravagant Worship" for my class and I really like it. What are you reading?

1 comment:

Jean Sharp said...

I've really enjoyed a book entitled "An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor
and I'm in the middle of "Surprised by Hope" by N.T. Wright. A-mazing.