Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We're doing fine...

...we're just busy as usual. T is busy at work and at church and building the Container Formerly Known as Sacajemama port. Maybe he'll have it done in time for us to go camping.

I am busy at work, at home and at church. We've "backed up" a few years in the parenting department as J is 4 years younger chronologically and more like 8-9 years younger emotionally than our youngest daughter. Sigh...makes things very different than they were.

R is busy at school, at work and wedding planning. Zoiks! Her book is just about done too. How exciting is that?!?

A is busy at school and she just got a part in some dance thing. She is also helping out with R's wedding plans.

J is just busy. He went on his first field trip yesterday. I went with him and I enjoyed it but it was a little over his head and therefore and little boring for him. But he got to dodge some sprinklers and be up close to a train and play someone's Ipod game on the bus ride. Those were all good things in his book.

Busy, busy, busy.

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