Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Waiting to heal

I went to the podiatrist again yesterday. He was perplexed. He said, "It's like your center of pain changed somewhat." He got new xrays to compare to last month's and discovered that the stress fracture of the cuboid is healing but there's another stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal. Those are notoriously long to heal. Ahhhh!!! I'm a bit down today as this is sinking in. I'm to be as non-weight bearing as possible and wear the boot to bed. If I'm showering or not in the boot I'm to be non-weight bearing at all. Sigh....I'm trying to avoid a cast and crutches. Waiting to heal.

On the upside, it's cadbury caramel egg season!! And jolly rancher jelly beans! The only kind of jelly bean I will put in my mouth. And then, only certain colors. The thought of eating any old regular jelly bean grosses me out and I don't even like the jelly belly ones. But jolly rancher ones are really good.

J is getting "almost a B" in math. Pretty much by himself. He had a little help with a couple things. And A got "almost a B" in her accounting class test. I wish these "almost a B's" were on the A side but they're not. But, C is average and as long as J is passing I figure he's doing pretty good and A was really nervous about this accounting test.

R and I have straight As. We're weird like that. It's like our brains are wired the same. I'm still trying to get T to do some schooling.

JT had a birthday this week but spent it in the clinic. His knee is swollen and sore. He's also waiting to heal. Neither one of us has time for this. Please pray for healing for us.

I stepped on Diesel's foot this morning. He hollered and limped away and laid down on the rug. I felt so bad. I couldn't feel a thing through this big old boot. I thought I broke his little foot with my broken foot. He's ok though. Poor little guy.

Today is cold and gloomy and my dad calls from FL saying it's 80s and sunny there. Thanks a lot, dad! But we will be heading down there for spring break. Or that's the change, subject to plan. Hurry up spring break!

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