Sunday, September 16, 2012

21st century smoke signals

We went camping this weekend. We had a great time but the cell service was lousy. We did goofy things like holding our phones up over our heads and turning them in circles to see if it would improve service. At one point we were sitting around the campfire and T was taking his phone and thrusting it into the air. We looked at each and laughed. I said, "21st century smoke signals?" and it stuck. And now we have pics, but we back up just a little bit 'cause I had these other pics on the phone too.

Diesel was sleeping on the end table with his paw resting on the back scratcher. Too funny!

You may have to click on these pics and blow them up because they are hysterical (to me anyway). Last week on the way to work I discovered that there was a walking stick hanging on to my car antenna. It struck me as funny and I started rooting for the little guy.

He made it all the way to town and his little antennas were flopping in the wind.

This is the one you have to click on and zoom in if you can. I turned down a road and looked at him and he had let go with all but his back legs and was buzzing uncontrollably in the wind. I slowed down because he had made it so far and I didn't want to lose him now.

Ta-da! Super Stick! I felt bad for flicking him off right after I took this pic.

And in the same vein of wildlife clinging to their man made things, here is a tree frog I found clinging to a deck chair the other day.

Sunset. I do love a sunset.

This is Diesel's "Kitten of the Sea" pic.

Caption? (I said, "Don't make me walk the plank. It was that Jack Sparrow guy. No, no, it was the dog. Yeah, the dog did it! Not me!)

This is where we went camping this weekend. Fall Creek Falls. It was a great campground and such a pretty area.

There were people standing on that rock face at one point but I missed them with the camera.

On the trail down to the bottom of the Falls.

That's monkey boy on the left and goat boy on the right. They ran up and down the trail and climbed rocks in between in the time it took T and I just to get to this point.

A works for a photography studio and is posing people all the time. Can you tell?

Swimming hole at Cascade Falls.

You can slide down those rocks but it's a bumpy ride.

The swinging bridge was reinforced with duct tape. Made us feel so much better.

Swimming hole from the bridge.

At George Hole this morning. That's J and his friend over there on the rocks.

The pics on this phone just don't do it justice.

Some of those holes in the rock face up close. Kind of does look like a face.

Another swinging bridge. This one didn't have duct tape.

T taking a pic of me taking a pic of him....

View from that bridge.

It really is a gorgeous place and a very nice campground.

Th-th-th-that's all folks.

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