The O directors made a late Sunday decision to go the airport and get out of Dodge. They loaded up the kids who had visas and managed to get them on two different flights. They were supposed to go to Miami on Monday but instead ended up in Orlando on Sunday night. Zoiks! They were able to get the kids fed and comfortable and then to Miami and waiting parents late Monday or early Tuesday, I'm not sure which. Some are home already. Hal is still in Haiti with the remaining 47 (and nannies) looking for suitable housing.
I had another one of those "why are you fighting me on this and why are crying about taking a shower!?!?" moments with J tonight. He drains me sometimes. I yelled at him and I already know I shouldn't have, so don't worry. I told him he was going to loose tv time if he didn't change his attitude. I don't know exactly why the shower is a trigger for him. I had to change the shower curtain in the kids' bathroom to a clear one. Anyway, when he got out of the bathroom I asked him how his attitude was and he nodded his head. I asked him again if it was better and he nodded again. This was our exchange after that;
Me-What are you afraid of?
Me-Why don't you like to take showers?
J-In Haiti, I don't take showers.
Me-What? You never took a shower?
J-In Haiti, I only take showers on Saturdays. I only like to take a shower on Saturday.
Me-Well, remember when you didn't change your socks and your feet stunk? Your whole body would stink if you didn't take a shower more than once a week.
J-blank stare
Me-Why are you afraid to take a shower?
J-more blank stare
Me-Do you have a bad memory from the shower?
J-(nodding) I'm afraid dat someting will come and ...(puts his hands around his neck)
Me-You're afraid that something will strangle you?
Me-Has anything ever tried to strangle you in the shower?
Me-Where does fear come from?
Me-What are you supposed to do with your fear?
J-(mumbling)Fear go away.
Me-You're supposed to say 'I rebuke you fear in the name of Jesus'. Let's hear you say it.
J-mumbles it
J-mumbles it louder
Me-Yell it out! (yelling) I rebuke you fear in the name of Jesus!!
J-(yelling) I rebuke you fear (looks at me and smiles) in de name of Jesus!!
Then we stomped around and smiled and laughed because we have power over fear in Jesus' name. Hallelujah.
So, apparently the kid has a fear of being strangled in the shower. Movie? Feeling vulnerable? Small space? I don't know what the original trigger was but before his next shower, which will be less than a week away, we will be practicing again, "I rebuke you fear in the name of Jesus!"
Our evening was much more enjoyable after that.