Randomness. Is that a word? It is today. So far today I have found a cap gun and a wrench in the pile of laundry I'm working on. Doesn't everyone have cap guns and wrenches in their laundry? Speaking of laundry, I followed my cousin's example (blogging cousin under "blogs I read") and made my own laundry soap. It smells good. Is very economical. Is natural. But it doesn't suds. At all. The clothes seem clean and I will keep using it but it's sort of weird that there are no suds. Maybe it's just a mind block for me and I might end up making more and mixing it with some gain. I don't know. I will keep you posted.
Yesterday in the car on the way to school J was putting lotion on. He squirted some on his finger and said it looked like mayonaise. I told him to taste it. He smiled and shook his head. Then he said, "I tasted glue once. It smelled like candy so I tasted it to see what it tasted like. It was nasty!" That boy cracks me up. I told him Nanny used to say the boys at school ate the paste. Do you remember paste? Or how about rubber cement? Now I'm showing my age.
R sent this pic of Skylar watching Animal Planet. Is this not the cutest thing ever? At least as far as grand critters go? She is seriously watching the tv.
I'm going to do my adoption links and then a whole bunch of pics. http://roomforatleastonemore.wordpress.com/ These are the people we bought Vanna Blue from. They have 2 bio boys, 3 adopted children and are in process for another one, all with special needs. And I have to mention this lady again because she is constantly advocating for adoption awareness http://www.nogreaterjoymom.com/
I hate that our adoption process took 4 years. I hate it for us and I hate it for him. J was in an O for 5 years. Sometimes I wonder what being home just 6 months earlier may have done for him. Maybe he could have gotten enough schooling that he would be in age appropriate grade. The progress he makes in 6 months is astounding. As it is, he will be 19 most of his senior year in school. Will he even want to be in school at that point? Only time will tell. What if he had gotten home 2 years earlier? Oh the things he'd be capable of now if he had. I have to choose not to dwell on those things and just be thankful that he's here. And to be thankful for the people we met because it took so long to get him here (other adoptive parents, Livesays, Clays, McHouls).
Now, the pics. In no particular order. Here is J making brownies at G'ma's house in Jan. of 09. Remember, I spent the month of Jan in Haiti with J at T's parents. I have built off that foundation so many times already and am thankful for it.
The Citadel. This was taken on one of my many journeys between Port and Cap during that month. Love this pic.
J jumping rope at the O in Jan or Feb 09. He was barefoot on concrete and jumped over 125 times in a row.
One of the "official" pics we got through the years.
J and I on the plane in Jan 09.
With the Grandpas.
Playing with Abby.
9th birthday.
First time meeting in person. Pay no attention to the date stamp. It was wrong. This was July of 06.
He was 8 years old, wearing a shark tooth necklace that I had made him and braiding R's hair. R was 15, about to turn 16 at the time. She only lived with us 5 months after J got home and then she was married and gone. I'm thankful for this time she had with him. She wore that braid for several months.
The 3 of us walking down the road. Look how tiny he was! And holding his britches up! Love this pic-thanks J.M. for taking it.
J and his two mommas, July 06.
Christmas of 06 or 07, I'm not even sure.
Showing his balancing prowess.
Calling home on a "skype Sunday". Used to love those.
At the O, in 07 or 08. Probably 08.
10th birthday.
Omg! Second pic we ever received of him. He was so little! Geeky little kid in his pink shirt, which he loved because he was wearing it when he entered the O. Love this pic too! Thanks to Randy and Angie for taking it.
And now a thankful list. I'm thankful for the way adoption has touched our lives. I'm thankful for the people we've met along the way. I'm thankful for my furry critters and grandcritters and the joy they bring to our lives.
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