Friday, August 12, 2011

Weird week

It's been a weird week. And it's not even over yet. J is back to school but A is not. J already has a cold. The 4th day back to school and he got a cold.'s gonna be a long year at this rate. He kept coming out of his room last night complaining about everything he could think of. And he laid on his bed and threw used kleenex on his floor. He picked them up this morning after I said something to him. He is a drama king. Big time.

T had to rebuild the thing that goes around the motor in the boat. Whoever owned it before us left it out in the elements and ruined all the plywood and vinyl. Just about all of it has been replaced now. Anyway, T just about cut the tip of his thumb off with a hand saw while working on it. I still think he needed stitches but he is using butterfly strips instead. Yuck!

The 100+ degree days we had earlier this summer were awfully hot where I work (no AC) but for some reason the 95 degrees days this week were harder on me than the 100's. I don't know why but it really bothered me this week. Weird.

Last Friday I was awakened early by some intense pain. After mammogram and ultrasound it's been determined that I have a breast full of cysts. Lucky me. I knew I had one since last Dec. but now it's full of them. There is nothing really to be done about it but just keep checking on them and stay away from caffeine. They also suggested vitamin E and evening primrose oil supplements. Anyone else with this condition have any ideas that might help? Weird. At least it's not cancerous lumps.

I'm also still having the stupid muscle spasms in my neck/shoulders. Zoiks! I wish they'd stop already! I have no idea what's causing them. Weird.

The lady we got Diesel from came in the store this week while I was there. If she's reading this, hi. Here's some more pics of Diesel for you. Toys must be attacked from the most difficult way possible. Otherwise there is not enough thrill.

I told her about him falling off the steps the other night and she said he fell out of the barn loft as a baby and that's how they found him and his 2 brothers, nearly starved to death and sickly. I guess we have a cat who has a propensity for falling off stuff. Weird! She still has the brothers and their names are Boo and Willard. I love the name Willard for a cat.

Last Saturday J dressed up in dark clothes and sunglasses and asked me where the fan was. He wanted to stand in front of the fan and for me to take pics of him like he was a super model. Weirdo. I snapped one and he said, "Now get my good side."

I told him to turn around. Bahahahaha! He didn't get it at first.

This week was T's birthday, my SIL's birthday, a good friend's birthday and some good friends' 25th anniversary. Lots of things to celebrate in one week.

But it's been a weird week.

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