Monday, May 19, 2008

Got this from a friend

Apparently we bathed our cat the wrong way. I got this in an email from a friend. We'll try this next time. :)

How to bathe a cat;

Take cat into bathroom and close the door behind you.

Pour liquid soap into the toilet.

Place cat in toilet, and quickly slam both lids on it, you should stand on the lids at this point.

Cat will make soapsuds by the quick movement of body.
(Despite the noises coming from the cat, she is actually enjoying this).

Now flush a couple of times to rinse cat.

Quickly lift both lids while jumping into the bathtub.

Cat will dry from the speed of departure.

Love the Dog

1 comment:

Family by Love said...

I really needed a good laugh today. Perfect timing. Especially since I spent an hour or so yesterday washing our three cats the "old-fashioned" way. Thanks.

Praying for good adoption news!